WWR79: How to Survive Shift Work

Did you know that working shifts, particularly night shifts could be extremely damaging to your health? In fact, shift workers are at a much higher risk of cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disturbances, depression and even certain types of cancer? But don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom! 20% of our population are actually shift workers so this episode is for you! Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea riff about some of the best, tried and tested methods to maintain your health even while working wacky hours!


WWR77: Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance is one of the most common hormonal imbalances that we see in practice. It seems that our daily lives are just bathing us in excess estrogen that are messing with our entire body. In this episode of Wellness Women Radio we’re talking about the ins and outs of hormonal imbalances and how they impact your cycle, fertility, weight and even mindset! Of course, it wouldn’t be a complete episode without targeted lifestyle solutions and holistic interventions to help manage this though!


WWR75: Dr Ashleigh's Birth Journey


And we’re back! We missed you! Thank you for your patience, we were off opening brand new practices and bringing gorgeous little baby boys (well, boy – singular) into the world! It feels so good to be behind the mic again and this episode is extra special! It is quite intimate and a personal account of Dr Ashleigh’s birth and labour story, including info about how she made the decision to opt for a homebirth, the tools and techniques she used along the way, including hypnobirthing and why she sent her husband off to Ikea after her waters broke!! Trust me, you don’t want to miss this! We also touch on how new babies impact friendships and how to best maintain connections with your loved ones when your entire world changes.


WWR73: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis


On this episode of Wellness Women Radio we’re diving into a really complicated topic that is impacting far too many women! Hashimotos Thyroiditis is an autoimmune condition that gradually destroys the thyroid gland and can have devastating health implications. On episode we talk through the different stages of hashimotos and the clinical testing that is essential, but may be missed! Tune in now!


WWR69: Fibroids

We cannot discuss women’s reproductive health without discussing fibroids! Fibroids (muscular benign tumours of the uterus) can affect up to 50% of women at some stage of their lives and can either be inconsequential or completely debilitating. In this episode of Wellness Women Radio we’re exploring the risk factors that can lead to fibroids, what can exacerbate them as well as the best evidence for treatment, from functional medicine approaches to surgical options! Tune in now!


WWR68: How Stress Makes Us Fat

Can stress really make us gain weight? How does that happen? In this episode of Wellness Women Radio tune in to find out how stress actually impacts our metabolism, food cravings, fat distribution and overall health. Don’t worry, there’s lots of ways to combat stress induced weight gain and Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea talk through the simplest shifts to make this happen!


WWR67: Skin Deep

Are the cosmetics and beauty products you use every day affecting your health and hormones? On this episode of Wellness Women Radio we’re examining our daily beauty rituals to see what kind of chemical load we’re exposing ourselves to and whether or not this is harmful to our health. Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea share their own personal routines and the swaps they’ve made over time to lessen the toxic burden. Stay tuned to find out exactly what they use on their skin…you might be surprised!


WWR66: Functional Medicine & Healing Leaky Gut

We’ve mentioned leaky gut on the show countless times and now it’s time to give this syndrome the episode it deserves! On this episode of Wellness Women Radio, Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea explain in detail exactly what leaky gut is, how it happens and the best strategies to begin healing as well as the type of practitioner you may want to work with to address leaky gut! Don’t miss this important episode!
